
Cyclic Salt Spray Chamber

The cyclic salt spray chambers are highly advanced to simulate and replicate extreme weather conditions such as humidity, condensation, air wetting & air drying. This enables the manufacturers to conduct neutral salt spray tests with no hassle and measure the rust proofing of the specimen.

The cyclic corrosion test chambers are optimized for multi-stage cycle testing such as salt spray and wet condensation/humidity dries (SWAAT) or salt spray and air drying (PROHESION).

Technical Specifications

  • Featuring an HMI-based touchscreen interface for intuitive operation.

  • Monitor relative humidity conveniently via the HMI screen.

  • Enable cyclic test mode to tailor parameters to specic sample requirements.

  • Ensure precise temperature monitoring with a corrosion-resistant PT-100 sensor.

  • Benet from a solid-state digital programmable temperature controller for accuracy.

  • Select test parameters effortlessly using pre-programmed proles.

  • Streamline data management by customizing PID settings, air saturator settings, test temperature, and air

    purge time.

  • Stay informed with real-time display of current test status.

  • Constructed with a triple-wall, ber-reinforced body for robustness.

  • Facilitate easy sample placement within the test chamber.

  • Operate the pneumatically operated canopy for added convenience.

  • Ensure post-test clarity with an air purge system for fog settlement.

  • Monitor solution levels with a reservoir tank equipped with a sponge lter and low solution level alarm.

  • Optimize performance with a 5-point auto-tuning feature selection.

  • Visualize temperature variations in real-time with a temperature graph.

  • Record temperature data efciently for analysis.

  • Utilize the USB option for data transfer (Pen drive not included).

  • Fine-tune PID settings using advanced hysteresis settings.

  • Maintain canopy angle to prevent direct droplet ow onto test samples.

  • Receive alerts for low compressed air and low NaCl solution levels with smart device integration.


Humidity Temperature Range

40 to 50 oC ±3oC (90% above relative humidity)

Dry Cycle Temperature Range

5 degrees above ambient to 60 oC ±3oC

Salt Cycle Temperature Range

5 degrees above ambient to 35 oC ±2oC

Temperature Adjustment Resolution


Air Saturator Temperature Range

40oC to 55oC

Air Saturator Temperature Resolution


Air Saturator Temperature Repeatability


Angle in Swivel Model

0o, 30o, 60o, 90o

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  • Sample testing at Rs 4999 /- Zero Cost

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